About The Breeds-

Flemish Giant- Flemish Giant rabbits were generally raised for meat and fur starting out and are still used primarily today for that as well. Although being a big size these rabbits are extremely docile and laid back making them perfect for families with kids or being a house bunny but can be a destroyer of furniture and cords so watch out for that.

Mini Rex- Mini Rex's are known to be good for meat and pelts due to their hardy bodies and colorful fur. Many think they would be good family pets and some can be. In my experience I think Mini Rex's are the cats in the bunny world. They tend to be more loners,territorial,and can be aggressive. On the other-hand they are wonderful mothers and producers.

Mini Rex/Flemish- This topic is very controversial in rabbit breeding. Many Rabbit breeders feel that you should not mix breeds because they think it is unethical and not necessary. In my opinion this is not true. Keep in mind I did major research about these two breeds and the causes and effects before even considering breeding them. I have learned that the combination of these two breeds makes the ideal family pet,producer, or meat rabbits. Their fur/Pelts make them durable for harsher climates and great color and thickness for pelts. The nature of these rabbits are laid back but also great mothers and their size is right in the middle making them very hearty rabbits but not too big or too small. One last thing to keep in mind I always breed a Mini Rex buck to a Flemish Giant doe never the other way around and I carefully monitor their interactions to make sure they stay safe and comfortable.